Saturday 20 February 2016

Report Structure and Content

Dear Editor and Writers, It's essential at this stage to put together a DUMMY REPORT, or DRAFT REPORT VERSION 1, if you like, so that you can SEE the document as a developing entity.

So the thing is for the editor to receive all your individual pieces and slot them into the Draft Report (which should be one soft file) as best as he sees how the contents might fit in. Obviously at this first stage it won't fit nicely - there'll be overlaps and repeats and moles and wart, zits basically. But it's all good. Just detect the main point of each piece of writing and slot them in according to how they answer the sub research questions (which I shall suggest to you) that guide each chapter.

The format given in the module outline is this:

i. Cover page with Taylor’s University logo 
ii. Declaration of submission 
iii. Acknowledgement 
iv. List of figures / plates / illustrations v. 
Table of content 
vi. Introduction to research – to include abstract and methodology 
vii. Chapter One – Introduction to the Building 
viii. Chapter Two onwards may be laid to suit your research areas
 ix. Final Chapter – Discussion and conclusion (of what the group has gained from the exercise) 
x. The complete set of drawings scaled to A4 landscape 
xi. Glossary or terminologies 
xii. Reference / bibliography
 xiii. Appendix (if any)

Expanding on it and appropriating it to our concept and Parent Research Question it will begin to look something like this:

Cover page with Taylor’s University logo
Declaration of submission i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
List of figures iv
List of diagrams and tables v
List of drawings vi
Table of content vii
Glossary viii
Preface ix (to be written by Suchi and Ian)

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Module and Methodology
CHAPTER 3 Bloodline- from history to legend to faith
CHAPTER 4 Lifeblood - rituals and activities
CHAPTER 5 Conduits -  the spatial articulation within the temple
CHAPTER 6 Pulmonaries - the architectonics of the temple
CHAPTER 7 White Blood - the social value of the temple
CHAPTER 8 Conclusion (Discussion and conclusion of what the group has gained from the exercise)



Appendix 1. The Measured Drawings (A4)
Appendix 2. Translation of Temple Book

Please note that:

  1. Introduction should be introduction to the report and not to the building. Obviously you will name and identify the building in the introduction but will not be describing and analysing it. All the description and analysing comes in the later chapters. RQ: What is this report all about and how is it laid out, chapter by chapter?
  2. Module and Methodology answers the RQ: What was our programme instruction and how did we plan (with reasoning) how to do the work to meet the programme learning objectives? Should show how and why you ended up with your Parent Research Question.
  3. Bloodline must mention the uniqueness of the myth/folklore/history surrounding the white blood legend (truth?), all the main players involved and how the temple came to be built to mean what it means to the local Taoist community to this day. RQ: In what way did the legend of White Blood grow into the very lifeblood and belief system that sustains the identity and existence of SSSY?
  4. Lifeblood is self explanatory. This is the exposition of all the rituals and practices and life activities, deities, etc. You have to be careful not to overload here. Just follow the RQ: What are the essential rituals and core beliefs that give SSSY its unique and differentiating characteristic?
  5. Conduits is about spatial articulation from our modern eyes. RQ: In what way does the spatial articulation accommodate both order and chaos in the life of the temple?
  6. Pulmonaries - this is the body of the temple: structure, construction, materials, floors walls ceilings, etc. RQ: In what way does this temple architecture reflect it's location while maintaining its Chinese culture?
  7. White Blood. RQ: What is the social value of this temple and what could its future social value be in our rapidly changing world?
  8. Conclusion: We need to discuss later, but start by each 27 of you inserting what you personally have gained from the exercise. That will form the material for a group conclusion.
I gotta go have dinner.

draft report- location/context

Preface, Foreword, Introduction

A neat and simple explanation on what could go in the front end of your report.

Temple History & Yap Ah Loy
This article is a very good account that explains the background and social significance of the temple