Wednesday 10 February 2016

credit to the MAN of the temple

forgot to ask his name, im such a disgrace!! (will as later)

this guy what we call him as 'abang tangga' because we need his permission every time we want to use a lader (tangga) and he will bring it to the place where we want to climb , Dr Suchi called him as 'malay guy` although his from punjab, india.(maybe because he can speak bahasa) anyway, His working in this temple almost 8 years.  He also shared a lot of info about the temple with us. The surprising part is, he advised me about where to capture best angle for the video and photo documentation. he was pretty excellent about it. He was very nice and helpful, i respect him for that.

During the Chinese New Year eve, he was busying with the preparation and did not sleep for 2 days. His eye also became so sore and pained (photo above) because of the smoke due to non stop visitor came for the ritual. He told me that this is common, after all of this he just go back and sleep.

it was nice meeting him and hope to see him again.

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