Wednesday 3 February 2016

A Thought

Stepping into the temple, I was overwhelmed with the burst of colours from each and every detail of the temple, although as a designer we might critique that the colour palette do not seem to have a pattern, but in this temple's unique way - it does. So, what is it about this temple that encourages the human senses? Architecture is general, is a discipline which revolves around responses. Bring forth a problem, and design the building with every single aspect in mind, and respond, accordingly, if not well and great.

Between the fengshui, superstitions and basic design needs, this temple has succeeded in creating an ambience that was necessary for it's purpose as a religious, sacred building. The scale and great height of the temple, awes its' visitors and believers who came to pray. The play of light and shadow, where is it dark in the hallways and bright along the altars, seems to suggest a layer of meaning behind it. For me, architecture has always been, and always will be a empathetic art form. We create for people and I am looking forward to delve into studying more about the Sin Sze Si Ya Temple.


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