Wednesday 3 February 2016

Every object being used during the prayer in the temple resembles different thing.

DRAGON - Dragons traditionally symbolize potent and strength. The dragon is also a symbol of power and goodluck for people who are worthy of it. Hence, dragon can widely be found in ornaments .

INCENSE - It may be intended as a sacrificial offering to various deity and also it is to serve as an aid in prayer.

LOTUS - Lotus resembles symbol of fortune.

CANDLES - Lighting up the candles symbolizes wisdom. Similarly, the light of the wisdom dispels the darkness of ignorance.

CHRYSANTHEMUM- It signifies a life of ease , it is also known as an attractant of good luck for self and home.

FRUITS - Fruits such as oranges symbolize good fortune and long life as they are sweet and abundant.

1 comment:

  1. Good findings to be fitted into the report where relevant to answer the research questions.
