Wednesday 3 February 2016

Interview with Miss Ranjit and Mr Lim.

Of a few new information we got from the interviews are:
1. The "floating passenger" and pedestrian grill gates were fixed somewhere during the tragic 13th May incident.
2. Various traditional and new ceremonies are now being celebrated at the temple. (ie. White Tiger, CNY Eve, etc.)
3. There is no specific "Feng Shui" input when this temple was built. We can only observe and make our own analyses(quote Mr. Lim)
4. Rule Number 1 when entering the Main Hall, cross the extrusion with your left leg. Exit with your right leg. Do not step on the extrusion.
5. The motifs in the centre of the Main Hall represents the "Ba Xian" 
6. Each Painting and Decorative Beams at the exterior wall narrates some story(information yet to receive from Mr. Lim)
7. The Lynx/Lion/something has their respective genders. Males on the left, Females on the right.
8. Special ways to pray for more effective results.
9. This temple doesnt rid "bad spirits" from physical beings, only "bad energy".
10. 2nd oldest Sin Sze si Ya Temple built in Malaysia out of 15. Oldest in Selangor.

1 comment:

  1. Very relevant findings particular on sin sze ya si sequence
