Wednesday 3 February 2016

You Must Post!

Dear Students
  1. Since joining you would have posted on this blog at least once.
  2. If you have posted you would have labelled your post with your name and some other label(s) for ease of recall.
  3. As you know, all labelled posts will be catalogued in the "Label" column on the right hand side of the blog - see the big blue oval in the sample page above. The labels will also appear at the foot of your post - see the small blue oval. This is to service navigation of the blog.
  4. So if e.g. you clicked on the first name in the Label column, "Adrian," you will immediately call up all 3 of Adrian's posts. (Now isn't that neat? I meant the system, not Adrian - though he may well be, too.)
  5. And here's the thing: THAT'S THE WAY SUCHI AND I WILL BE MARKING YOUR PARTICIPATION TOMORROW. We will click on your name label to look at your participation and progress so far.
  6. So if your name is still not in the Label column yet - don't worry, you have until the start of tutorials tomorrow to redress the situation. Meaning, get your name in - POST!
  7. Please use your real name, not initials.
  8. And obviously - regarding how many posts - more's the better.
  9. Seriously.

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