Tuesday 9 February 2016

Research Questions for the Report

1 comment:

  1. Good start farah and the team! well done!!

    now I would like you all to play a game called the 'strongest link'. if architecture is a logical entity, its questions can be sequentially ordered, right? it is about attaining clarity on your thought process and hence the report structure/order

    so...out of of all these questions mentioned above, which is the strongest one according to your team? this is possible to find only by peer discussions.

    for example certain questions die as soon as you find an answer to it... but certain questions lead to the next question - you will then find 'the link' or the chain of thought

    as a group can we all try this game for the subtitle 'activities' - which is the strongest question in that chapter? and why?

    once we keep doing this to all chapters, we may discover that the 'location/context' could be Chapter 1 or one of the early chapters, actually...right?

    let's play this game chapter by chapter, here in the blog. therefore leading us to the actual content page right on this monday when we meet :)
