Saturday 20 February 2016



Hierarchy of gods and immortals in Taoism exists. At the top of the hierarchy are the gods of the highest ranks the Celestial Worthy of Primordial Beginning, the Celestial Worthy of Numinous Treasure and the Celestial Worthy of the way and Its Virtue, who are the epitome of Tao or the Tao itself. Below them are the god of the lower positions, who are depended with the obligations as indicated by their fulfillments in Tao and Virtue.

The Three Pure Ones ( , San Qing)  are the highest Deities in Taoism. It transcends the entire hierarchy of Taoist deities. The Three Pure Ones is known as the avatar of Taoism. The word “avatar” has come to signify “an embodiment, a substantial indication of the heavenly".

He organizes another divine being, Spiritual Heavenly Worthy or Reverend Ling Bao od Shang Qing. As of right now of time there are two forces called the “Yin and “Yang” represented as “Tai Chi” myriads things can be shaped b these forces. Therefore Spiritual Heavenly Worthy holds a “Ru Yi”, a wish fulfilling ornament.

Finally when all things are created Tai Shang Lao Zun descend and settles on the right, He the holds a mystical fan, symbolizing the consummation of the Universe, and the method for the Tao can be spread, and living beings can seek salvation.

The Jade Emperor (玉 皇 大 帝, Yu Huang Da Di) is the supreme ruler of Heavens, The hades and the protector of mankind according to the Chinese Folklore religion and the highest ranking deity of the Taoist pantheon. From the ninth century on wards, he was the benefactor divinity of the Chinese imperial family . The Jade Emperor directs Heaven and Earth generally as the earthly emperors once controlled over China.

His birthday is celebrated on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year commonly known as "Tian Gong Dan" ( Festival of the Heavenly God). It is an important festival to the community. Taoist temples throughout the world held gathering and prayers together to worship him, to entreat him to allow peace, flourishing , assurance from catastrophes for the whole year, positive climate conditions and plenteous harvest.

The Jade Emperor is normally portrayed situated on a throne in royal robes, his topped finished crown implanted with pearl necklaces that dangle from the front. He holds a short, level tablet in clasped in both hands before his chest with his flowing beard.

The Main god in Sin Sze Si Ya temple are师爷,四师爷  . Hence they are seated in the main hall center altar. 

Figure above shows the main altar sits two statue, on the left is Si Shi Ye(师爷)  and on the right is Xian Shi Ye(师爷)
Sin Sze Si Ya Temple is dedicated to patron deities of Xian Shi Ye (师爷) and Si Shi Ye (师爷 ). Through dreams , the deities has guided Kapitan Yap Ah Loy to defeat the enemies and defended Kuala Lumpur During the Civil War between 1870 – 1873.
Devotees will visit this place when the white tiger opens it’s mouth annually which is what the temple is famous for, The Tai Sui and The White Tiger Prayers.
The list of names of the deities below are also the devotees come to pray for.
太上老君 (Tai Shang Lao Jun)- The grand Supreme Elderly Lord , ( the Taoist Ancestor )
註生娘娘 (Zhu Sheng Niang Niang) – Goddess of Child Birth
福德正神 (Fu De Zheng Shen) – God of the soil and graves
关帝圣君 (Guan Di Sheng Jun)  -
观音菩萨 (Guan Yin Pu Sa)- Goddess of Mercy
天后圣母 (Tian Hou Sheng Mu) - God for wind and safety
文昌大帝 (Wen Chang Da Di) – Deity of Education Scholar and Properity
地藏王菩 (Di Zang Wang Pu Sa)-  the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi)
爷伯 (Da Ye Be) – Deity Of Prosperity
齐天大圣 (Qi Tian Da Sheng)
华光大帝 (Hua Guang Da Di) – Deity of Artistes and Craftsmen
岁爷 (Tai Sui Ye)  - Master of Deities of Prosperity , Health and Goodluck
财帛星君 (Cai Bo Xing Jun) – Deity of Business
爷公 (Hu Ye Gong)
释迦牟尼 (Shi Jia Mu Ni) - the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
和合二仙 (He He Er Xian)- two Taoist immortals known as the "Immortals of Harmony and Unity"
谭公仙师 (Tan Gong Xian Shi) – Deity of Medicine and Health
地母娘娘 (Di Mu Niang Niang)
花粉夫人 (Hua Fen Fu Ren) – Deity Of Beauty
金花夫人 (Jin Hua Fu Ren) – Deity of Fertility

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